Red Hot Chili Peppers

歌手Red Hot Chili Peppers的图片





中 文 名 红辣椒乐队  外 文 名 Red Hot Chili Peppers  成立年份 1983年  类    型 摇滚乐队  所属地区 美国洛杉矶 成员档案 主唱 - Anthony Kiedis 多才多艺且能自己写词的Antony,青少年时代就充满表演欲,特殊的rap方式加上极富情感的演唱是最大特色。 贝斯 - Flea(Michael Balzary) 天才型的贝斯手Flea小时候就学习各种乐器,包括钢琴及小喇叭,培养了他对旋律的敏锐度,因而能使旋律与节奏结合出漂亮的平衡,让他在呛辣红椒中成为不可或缺的灵魂人物角色。并于1996获选 Bass Player最佳贝斯手。 吉他 - John Frusciante 在创团吉他手Hillel辞世后担当重责大任的John原本就是红辣椒的死忠乐迷之一,由于喜爱的乐风与乐团完全契合,产生了莫大加分效果,是骤失吉他手后上天给本团最大的礼物;John负责歌曲创作,鲜明的风格决定了RHCP注定要来的成功! 鼓手- Chad Smith 从众多应征者中脱颖而出的Chad是位认真的乐手,加入后他不断精进自己的鼓技,同时也尝试词曲创作,精力充沛的他是所有精彩节奏的发动机,和Flea天衣无缝的搭配更是令人赞赏! 乐队资料 红辣椒成立于1983年,是美国洛杉矶的摇滚乐队。截至2011年其阵容包括Anthony Kiedis (主唱), Michael "Flea" Balzary (贝斯), Chad Smith (鼓手) and Josh Klinghoffer (吉他)。 音乐风格融合了许多流派,包括 Funk rock, alternative rock, punk rock, rap rock。 乐队发展 在83年成立至今,来自加州洛杉矶的CHILI PEPPERS 已是一队有历史的乐队。结识于学生时代的Red Hot Chili Peppers,原始团员有现任主唱Anthony与贝斯手Flea,以及原吉他手Hillel和鼓手Jack Iron,除了最后加入的主唱Anthony,Flea和吉他手、鼓手早就怀抱着对音乐强烈的野心而凑在一起玩团;而在各种表演场合出尽风头的Anthony,因为对音乐的喜好而尝试写作。这四个小伙子应邀在一个朋友的俱乐部表演之后大获好评,潮水般的赞美如野火蔓延传到了唱片公司主管的耳里,杰出的表现为他们赢得了一纸正式的唱片合约,这个时候乐团也正式更名为Red Hot Chili Peppers——呛辣红椒合唱团。 RHCP的音乐风格定位明确,大胆的歌词、强烈的放克节奏加上极具个人特色的吉他弹奏往往令人乍听便印象深刻,现场演唱的视觉效果更颠覆所有观众对演唱会的刻板印象;台上不仅会出现裸女,团员脱光演奏、在私处套上袜子演唱吉米·罕醉克斯的名曲《Fire》等各种荒诞不经的演出更是呛辣红椒的拿手戏码。 但是,团的分歧终于出现了,吉他手Hillel和鼓手Jack决定离开呛辣红椒合唱团专心运作他们共组六年的乐团,于是两组人马分道扬镳,RHCP找来了替补乐手并发行了第一张专辑,但是内容和销售结果令他们相当不满意,仅管如此,大量的演出仍然填满了他们的生活。 我们总会把歌手Anthony Kiedis和原名Michael Balzary的低音吉他手Flea重视为CHILI PEPPERS两位一直紧守岗位的核心成员。反而乐队在多年来最大的问题,是吉他手的位置。虽然在CHILI PEPPERS的十七年历史中跟他们合作的吉他手乃有七位至多,但真正称的上是代表性的,就只有原装吉他手Hillell Slovak和John Frusciante两人而已----巧合的二人同时经历过一度离队当然,在相提并论底下,John也比HillelI幸运的多,至少没有为毒品而走上不归路。 Hillell是CHILI PEPPERS第一代作品,但在乐队在84年发表首长同名大碟时,他的岗位确实曾被Jack Sherman代替。到了1984年1月由放克音乐界的翘楚Goerge Clinton在底特律近郊为他们录制第二张专辑《Freaky Styley》时他才归队。专辑《Freaky Styley》成功地将呛辣红椒RHCP充满精力的庞客与放克风格定位出来,乐团的方向逐渐成形。结束英格兰及德国的演出后,鼓手Jack Iron归队,RHCP坚强阵容再度呈现。 随着录音室作品的大受欢迎,迎面而来的是一连串密集演出,精彩的巡回生活及忙碌的行程使红椒们染上药物滥用的恶习,这严重的问题困扰着团员,尤其是吉他手Hillel,他开始在演唱会上脱序演出,胡乱演奏或是一脸茫然。 到了88年6月---乐队发表了第三张专辑《The Uplift Mofo Party Plan》和经典的《The Abbey Road EP》(以socks-on-cocks"阳具穿袜子"造型扮THE BEATLES 的ABBEY ROAD封面那张),第三张卖得比前两张专辑加在一起的数量还多,在越来越来轰动的巡回演出中,The beastie boys和Faith no more也在演唱会中担任特别来宾一同演出,然而来自许多父母的抗议始终不曾间断,原因是他们质疑红椒们带有各种色彩的歌词可能会给青少年负面影响。但Flea认为孩童们早已听惯了父母们彼此"讦谯"脱口而出的脏话,又呛又辣的红椒们不受影响,继续着他们活蹦乱跳的高分贝音量,红椒们充满争议性的伟大音乐持续发烫,《Uplift Mofo Party Plan》专辑登上BILLBOARD告示牌前150大专辑。 1988年6月,药物滥用的严重后遗症在Hillel的身上出现。回到美国之后,新专辑马不停蹄地筹备着,团员们也趁着空档重整疲劳的身心,就在此时却惊传Hillel因吸食过量海洛因而身亡的消息!四个星期的假期让Hillel沉沦在禁药的深渊终至回天乏术。这件意外重创了团员们,鼓手Jack认为乐团生活毁灭了Hillel,愤而离团,乐团遇到了不得不暂停的重度伤害。 Anthony和Flea并未被打倒,在意外之后,他们决定至少要重组RHCP来纪念他们的好友Hillel。1989年3月他们幸运地遇见害羞的年轻新任吉他手John,John Fruiscante原本就视Hillel为偶像,而他的弹奏技巧丝毫不逊于Hillel;至于一波三折的鼓手寻觅过程最后是由出色的Chad Smith雀屏中选,精力充沛的四人团队重新出发,卷土重来,甚至这个阵容被公认为CHILI PEPPERS的黄金阵容。 由Michael Benhorn制作的《Mother's Milk》专辑在1989年发行,整张专辑透露RHCP对故友的怀念,Flea特别在当中贡献了所有管乐吹奏的部份。从这个时候开始,团员们在所有的公开表演拒绝任何的药物,他们专注在音乐上的杰出表现令人赞赏,从卖座钜片麻雀变凤凰的原声带收录了英国金榜TOP30歌曲《Show me your soul》就能看出他们渐渐扩大了听众群。没多久,RHCP改换新东家加入华纳旗下,展开新一页的音乐旅程。 转进华纳的第一张作品《Blood Sugar Sex Magic》交由知名音乐大厂Def Jam灵魂人物Rick Rubin制作,整张专辑采现场同步收音,你甚至能在其中一首歌曲中听见街道的吵杂声。这张专辑达到白金唱片销售量并且在告示牌专辑榜上停留长达一年,他们开始登上主流音乐杂志封面,接受各种媒体访问;单曲《Give it away》更获得1992年MTV音乐录像带大奖,主唱Anthony自省沉溺在禁药中的日子而写的《Under the bridge》在世界各地登上主流排行榜,这张经典作品将呛辣红椒合唱团推上全球知名巨团行列。知名大团Nirvana、Pear Jam、Smashing Pumpkins纷纷成为世界巡回演唱会上的嘉宾。 然后,John因受不了作为一位Rock Star的成名压力而在93年毅然离队,亦再次使Anthony等人突然束手无策起来,甚至一度与其酿成恶交,曾有几年时间没有交谈过,先后经过两位过客性质的吉他手暂代其岗位后。 1995年10月他们再度推出由Blood Sugar Sex Magic的制作人为他们打造的新专辑,《One Hot Minute》以迅雷不及掩耳的速度再度将呛辣红椒弹射到聚光灯前,新任吉他手Dave Navarro优异的表现使整团的风格抢眼不凡,继续攀往成功的高峰,他们登上滚石杂志封面,然而相信不少CHILI PEPPERS的追随者会发觉,Dave一手较偏向摇滚手法的吉他演奏放在他们身上,这种流于朴实的风格虽不算好亦不算称身,令大家也对这张专辑有所保留。成功巡回21个国家的64场演出,Red Hot Chili Peppers的名号更加响亮。1996年的贝斯玩家杂志(Bass Player Magazine)评选Flea为年度最佳贝斯手,同年动画电影《鳖四与大头蛋大闹美国》向RHCP邀歌,而这首为电影量身定作的《Love Rollercoaster》一口气夺下TOP1宝座,令人惊奇的是,在如此繁忙的工作中,Flea和Dave仍与前卫庞克摇滚巨擘Perry Farrel加入实验乐团Janes Addiction(珍的沉溺)的运作并参与演出。 在CHILI PEPPERS打算为新碟创作新歌之前,Dave亦做出了离队的决定,而故事的发展就是John被召归队而成一时佳话。 1997年3月,Anthony与Flea在一家pub巧遇了前吉他手John正在进行演出,这次巧遇打开日后John回归RHCP的契机。对于红椒们来说1997是忙碌的一年,接下来的巡回涵盖了许多东南亚大城,当然也包括了台北!但是在RHCP参加日本富士音乐祭的前夕,Anthony骑哈雷机车发生了意外,而带伤上阵的演唱也在萝丝台风的插花助威下被迫中止! 回到美国之后,乐团与前吉他手John展开积极互动,Anthony并资助他治疗因压力造成的各种身心紧张后遗症,其间鼓手也因骑乘哈雷机车发生交通事故伤了肩膀,所幸伤势不重。 1998年4月29日,令人敬畏的四人乐团重出江湖,John重新归队,观众热情不减。 99年的超级专辑《Californication/加州淘金梦》依旧掌握了RHCP充满能量、强烈节奏的灵魂,Anthony演唱功力更上层楼,也使这张作品成为红椒们迈入黄金时期的第一弹。首支单曲"Scar Tissue"在Billboard现代摇滚榜的冠军宝座停留了16周,也获得葛莱美最佳摇滚歌曲的奖项。单曲《Californication》并获得MTV音乐奖年度最佳音乐录像带、最佳团体音乐录像带、最佳导演、最佳特效及最佳艺术指导等5项提名。 令全球乐迷等待3年,2002年最新大碟《By the way》带着袭卷全球的红椒热回来了!不要猜测,请用最轻松、最舒服的姿态一起加入呛辣红椒High翻天的行列,你将见证他们用音乐不断突破自我的性灵旅程。 然而,在2008年5月时乐队暂时宣布解散,并且解散时间不小于一年。乐队的主唱Anthony Kiedis表示该乐队成员将有一段时间远离音乐,而把更多的注意力放到他们的个人生活上。他在接受滚石杂志的采访时表示,他们已经决定暂停12个月的乐队活动,因为长期忙碌的日程表已经让他们身心俱疲。 Anthony Kiedis说,他将花更多的时间与他的家人在一起,而乐队的其他成员将会把精力投入到他们个人的音乐项目上,贝司手Flea想学一些新东西,吉他手John Frusciante将会进行一个solo计划,而Chad Smith将去日本参加一个爵士乐队。 2011年发行精选集《Road Trippin' Through Time》和录音室专辑《I'm With You》。 2012年发行EP《Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Covers》《Strange Man / Long Progression》《Magpies On Fire / Victorian Machinery》和《Never Is A Long Time / Love Of Your Life》。 2013年发行EP《Pink As Floyd / Your Eyes Girl》《In Love Dying》《Hanalei / Open/Close》《 This Is The Kitt / Brave From Afar》《Catch My Death / How It Ends》。 2016年发行EP《Dark Necessities》和专辑《The Getaway》。 Red Hot Chili Peppers, also sometimes shortened to "The Chili Peppers" or abbreviated as "RHCP", are an American rock band formed in Los Angeles in 1983. The group's musical style primarily consists of rock with an emphasis on funk, as well as elements from other genres such as punk rock and psychedelic rock. When played live, their music incorporates elements of jam band due to the improvised nature of much of their performances. Currently, the band consists of founding members Anthony Kiedis (vocals) and Flea (bass), longtime drummer Chad Smith; and guitarist Josh Klinghoffer, who joined in late-2009, replacing John Frusciante. Red Hot Chili Peppers are one of the best-selling bands of all time with over 80 million records sold worldwide, have been nominated for sixteen Grammy Awards, of which they have won six and are the most successful band in alternative rock radio history currently holding the records for most number one singles (12), most cumulative weeks at number one (85) and most top-ten songs (25) on the Billboard Alternative Songs chart. In 2012, they were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The band's original line-up featured guitarist Hillel Slovak and drummer Jack Irons, alongside Kiedis and Flea. Because of commitments to other bands, Slovak and Irons did not play on the band's self-titled debut album (1984). Cliff Martinez was the drummer for the first two records (Irons played on the third), and guitarist Jack Sherman played on the first. Slovak performed on the second and third albums by the band, ‘Freaky Styley’ (1985) and ‘The Uplift Mofo Party Plan’ (1987), but he died from a heroin overdose in 1988. As a result of his friend's death, Irons chose to depart from the group. Parliament-Funkadelic guitarist DeWayne McKnight was brought in to replace Slovak, though his tenure was short, which forced Frusciante to replace him in 1988. Former Dead Kennedys drummer D. H. Peligro was brought in to replace Irons. His tenure was also short, so he was replaced by Chad Smith that same year. The line-up of Flea, Kiedis, Frusciante, and Smith was the longest-lasting and recorded five studio albums beginning with ‘Mother's Milk’ (1989). In 1990, the group signed with Warner Bros. Records and recorded the album ‘Blood Sugar Sex Magik’ (1991) under producer Rick Rubin. This album became the band's first commercial success. Frusciante grew uncomfortable with the success of the band and left abruptly in 1992, in the middle of the Blood Sugar Sex Magik Tour. After two temporary guitarists, Dave Navarro of Jane's Addiction joined for the group's subsequent album, ‘One Hot Minute’ (1995). Although commercially successful, the album failed to match the critical or popular acclaim of ‘Blood Sugar Sex Magik’, selling less than half as much as its predecessor. Navarro was fired from the band in 1998.Frusciante, fresh out of drug rehabilitation, rejoined the band that same year at Flea's request. The reunited quartet returned to the studio to record ‘Californication’ (1999), which became the band's biggest commercial success with 16 million copies worldwide. That album was followed three years later by ‘By the Way’ (2002), and then four years later by the double album ‘Stadium Arcadium’ (2006), their first number-one album in America. After a world tour, the group went on an extended hiatus. Frusciante announced he was amicably leaving the band in 2009 to focus on his solo career. Klinghoffer who had worked both as a sideman for the band on their Stadium Arcadium tour and on Frusciante's solo projects, replaced him as lead guitarist. The band's tenth studio album, ‘I'm with You’, was released in 2011 and topped the charts in 18 different countries. The group toured into 2014 and performed with Bruno Mars as a part of the halftime performance at Super Bowl XLVIII. The band released their eleventh studio album, ‘The Getaway’ on June 17, 2016. The album was produced by Danger Mouse marking the first time since 1989's ‘Mother's Milk’ that someone other than Rick Rubin has produced one of their albums.

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