Solaris Loop

歌手Solaris Loop的图片





“洛普Solaris Loop”2021年3月成立于浙江嘉兴学院(原名“凶手不止一人Nobody Not A Killer”,2022年3月更名),后朋、噪音、Techno,带着冰冷、阴暗的永恒气质。 "Solaris Loop" was founded in Jiaxing University, Zhejiang in March 2021 (Formerly known as:"Nobody Not A Killer"), with a cold, dark and eternal temperament of Post-punk, Noise and Techno. Guitar/Vocal:宇子(Vic) Keyboard:阿坤 Bass:楠子 信息爆炸,人们越来越要在更短的时间里获得更多的信息,毫无疑问,我们要带着粗糙的咆哮、冰冷的鼓机、诡异的律动闯入了无止息的娱乐中,是围着篝火跳舞的精灵,也是理想主义的恶魔。 请放下手中的凶器,停止扼杀浪漫与独立的声音。 请吃掉我的身体、手指与嘴唇。 没有能摄取本我意识的神秘的泡沫海洋 也从未飘忽在广袤而缥缈的现实世界之间 循环在下一次中回归 它是一面镜子 一面审视自我的镜子 那些单纯晦涩的爱以及恐怖无助的死亡带给了无知的我 以存在的意义和希望 There is no mysterious sea of foam that absorbs the consciousness of the self Nor does it drift between the vast and ethereal world of reality The cycle returns in the next time It's a mirror A mirror in which one looks at oneself Those simple of obscure love and terror of helpless death brought ignorant me With the meaning of existence and hope.

Solaris Loop 的所有伴奏:


320 kbps