Coheed And Cambria

歌手Coheed And Cambria的图片





History发展历史:1995——2001 年 在1995年3月,分裂克劳迪奥桑切斯和特拉维斯Stever的乐队“中毒的父母后,便形成了与内特 - 凯利一个乐队叫美丽的失败者。乐队的主唱和吉他特色Stever,桑切斯在吉他,低音鼓和Jon Carleo凯利。该集团是短命的,打破1995年6月后,过气的钱的参数。 Stever离开了乐队,并造成三人被评为Shabütie,一个字取自非洲部落圣歌,这意味着“裸猎物”在电影中赤裸的猎物。 尝试多种不同的音乐风格,包括朋克摇滚,独立摇滚,声摇滚,朋克,重金属乐队花了近一年。当Carleo离开乐队在1996年8月,凯利招聘托德迈克尔接替他的位置。托德,谁是主要的吉他手,拿起Shabütie低音作为Shabütie,乐队写了几十首歌曲,并在1999年发布的第一个演播室演示计划接管世界。乐队还于1999年发布的佩内洛普EP,Stever后不久重新加入了乐队。凯利离开乐队,在1999年年底期间的表现和乔希Eppard然后带了,取代了他。带了在2000年发布的谵妄触发,仍然具有凯利鼓,但清单Eppard在划线员笔记。 2001——2006年 键字“,为乐队常用的标志,象征着Coheed和Cambria的虚构的宇宙中的行星之间的能量流。出现谵妄触发的几首歌曲是基于一个克劳迪奥桑切斯写的科幻小说漫画系列Bag.On.Line冒险,后来改名为艾默里战争。桑切斯的侧项目最初是在一个1998年旅行到巴黎,其中乐队成员的决定来命名自己Coheed坎布里亚,后两个故事的主角的名字命名,并作为一个主题,将统一其未来的专辑通过的概念故事开发。此方项目也创造Coheed的官方标志,关键字,艾默里战争宇宙行星排列的象征。 2002年2月,乐队发行了平等视觉记录签字后的第一张录音室专辑第二阶段的涡轮叶片。乐队的首次发布后硬集团在驱动器的影响,包括从博士客串知道性交朋克乐队,脑子不好,以及修订后的“谵妄触发”,“33”,和从谵妄触发EP的“Junesong规定”。乐队还发布了其首支单曲和音乐录影带,“泽西城的恶魔”乐队最终演奏了在美国和日本的一些巡回演出的日期,以及一个简要的限制在2002年客货车的翘曲的游览。在2002年8月,Coheed和坎布里亚开始与经理的大火詹姆斯,将有助于推动波段较大的阶段,更广泛的球迷基础工作。 随着打破盘古,林肯公园,所用,并活结组广泛的巡回演出,2003年10月乐队发行了在寂静的地球保密的第二张录音室专辑:3,也是平等的视觉记录担纲乐队的单曲“一个人情楼大西洋”和“血红色的夏天”和相应的视频在MTV的通话时间,辅以不同的艺术家,如日(星期四),三次,AFI,莱纳玛丽亚巡回释放。 Coheed和坎布里亚也取得了其第二次出现翘曲的游览和执行额外的欧洲显示。锐化了在#52专辑在Billboard排行榜上,由RIAA认证的黄金。该乐队还支持拍摄2004年8月演唱会在新泽西州的Starland舞厅释放。表现乐队的第一张现场DVD转换,住在Starland舞厅,这是在2005年3月发布的。 在静音地球保密的成功:3吸引了唱片公司哥伦比亚唱片公司的注意,与他们签订一个多专辑的合同乐队停止了巡回演出,以记录他们的第三张录音室专辑和第一大。标签释放良好的阿波罗,我烧星,第一册第四:免于恐惧,在2005年年初为2005年9月发布通过疯狂的眼睛。 他们商业上最成功的专辑,良好的阿波罗第一册已售出近1万份,并在#7的Billboard排行榜上达到高峰这张专辑代表了他们以前的旋律走向的影响后硬岩石的离境前卫摇滚的声音。单一的“欢迎回家”,是由约翰A汉森描述为“一个严重Led Zeppelin的影响,金属调”。乐队支持与血液兄弟,大约生存,Dredg,头AUTOMATICA伴随着美国和欧洲的旅游专辑,并七倍报复,最终释放的独家的iTunes旅游EP Kerrang!/ XFM英国声学会议和他们的第二个现场DVD “最后的晚餐”:居住在哈默斯坦舞厅。 2006-2009年 克劳迪奥桑切斯在Kerrang!巡回赛。2008 克劳迪奥桑切斯从他身边的项目于2006年10月奖战斗机地狱名为我的兄弟的血机发布的专辑。 Coheed和Cambria的专辑一样,它是一张概念专辑,通过在两个故事中出现的字符Coheed和坎布里亚:杰西,“奖战斗机地狱”。这张专辑的目的是Coheed和坎布里亚相册的前传。克劳迪奥说:“当我们被称为Shabütie,Coheed和坎布里亚最初的想法是声学/电子方项目。所以我猜奖战斗机地狱是一种Coheed和坎布里亚原来的想法。” 乔希Eppard和迈克尔托德在2006年11月初,因个人原因离开乐队,迫使马特威廉姆斯和乐队的鼓技师,迈克尔Petrak,填写临时乐队的节奏部分,为极少数的节目。贝斯手迈克尔托德在2007年4月,重新加入Coheed和坎布里亚,乐队进入了新的制片人尼克Raskulinecz在洛杉矶的工作室。六月克里斯Pennie以下,以前迪林格逃生计划,作为其鼓手加入Coheed和坎布里亚,但由于与他以前的唱片公司的合约限制,Pennie没有出现在乐队的第四次发布。相反,Foo Fighters乐队鼓手泰勒霍金斯录鼓,使用以前Pennie书面信函与桑切斯的一些想法。 乐队的第四张录音室专辑,并与哥伦比亚唱片公司,良好的阿波罗的第二个版本,我烧星,第二卷第四:没有明天的世界,是在2007年10月公布,在6号的Billboard排行榜上首次亮相。专辑中的第一单,“顺风”,于2007年8月发布电台。第二单是“毛”与瑞纳Riffel主演的影片。乐队已经继续巡回演出,领衔的2007年翘曲旅游,离合器和特洛伊的陷落所支持的一个巡回赛的一部分,和林肯公园的25城市美国巡演,其中被迫取消Coheed和澳大利亚的声波节Cambria的演出开幕。 除了在低音和新的鼓手Pennie返回托德,乐队还找来一个巡回演出的键盘和备份歌唱家的现场表演。 2007年11月,他们的歌曲“欢迎首页”是包括一个的视频游戏摇滚乐队可玩的轨道,和他们的歌曲“十大速度(神的血与土葬)”的封面后作出摇滚乐队的下载可用。 2009年两个更多的歌曲可供下载的“正在运行的自由”和“一个人情楼大西洋”,为视频游戏“摇滚乐队,在2010年以后加入的歌曲”夏天的枪“,”在这里我们是剑圣“ “破”。 乐队准备在2008年1月4个月开始的世界巡回演唱会。后来,他们Bamboozle 2008年音乐节的标题。 乐队出现这样的标题:2008年Kerrang!在英国,乐队的执行和记录的铁娘子“警官”,这是特色Kerrang的封面之旅!“铁娘子纪念专辑,少女天堂,7月16日发行。他们被提名为最佳国际乐队和最佳音乐录影带(羽毛)在2008 Kerrang!奖。 在10月和2008年11月,乐队演奏Neverender,一个四夜的系列音乐会,在乐队演奏的每一个晚上专辑。事件是在纽约,芝加哥,洛杉矶,并在十二月初在伦敦举行。 Neverender:围栏版,其Neverender性能的CD / DVD盒,儿童是2009年3月24日,日发布。 在2009年的歌曲“欢迎回家”,也可用于在拖车的动画电影9。 年的黑色彩虹(2009年起) Coheed和坎布里亚参观了2009年初的大部分。一月至三月期间,他们参观了与活结和Trivium活结,标题为所有的希望都消失了参观。 2009年8月,Coheed和坎布里亚参观他们的游览在天堂与地狱的支持,支持您知道的恶魔。 2009年9月16日,日,他们进行了全新捷豹爱一起在Puyallup博览会。在10月份在得克萨斯州奥斯汀 的奥斯汀市区范围音乐节演出。他们还Wacken露天节,在英国腿Sonisphere节之旅,并在芝加哥Lollapalooza节日, Coheed和坎布里亚最近完成了他们的黑色彩虹的第五张录音室专辑年份。这是他们的概念故事的前传,事件前的第二阶段涡轮叶片。一种新型释放陪桑切斯和彼得大卫合写的专辑。这本小说目前仅专辑的特别版,或可直接购买其2010年的巡演乐队的商品表自身。第二轨道的新专辑“破”,iTunes在2010年2月9日,被释放。 “我们这里是剑圣”成为流2010年3月4日,在MySpace上,并成为2010年3月9日,可通过iTunes购买。 4月7日,整个专辑成为MYSPACE流。在一个标准的,特殊的iTunes和豪华版(豪华版包括小说和黑色彩虹“黑卡”特殊的一年“黑色彩虹年”,规定持有人早在4月13日发行了唱片访问一些Coheed显示。) “破”,“枪之夏”和“在这里我们的剑圣”摇滚乐队的音乐商店上,2010年4月20日公布。 桑切斯日前表示,与第一集团的五张专辑完全记载的Coheed和坎布里亚佐 贺,他已经考虑今后发行的方向。 “我想告诉未来的故事和过去的故事,也许更居鲁士的Amory(原文如此 - 天狼星的故事艾默里)的故事,想通了关键字值的老乡,”他说。 “甚至故事,那种并行之一,我们告诉它在空气中最多的一种,我已经开始写作,明年的记录音乐,我的一种希望,也许这样做,它的要告诉我哪一个做。 2011年7月10日,贝斯手迈克尔托德被逮捕和警察武装抢劫韦斯样式的罪名在美国马萨诸塞州阿特尔伯勒,保管采取将作为临时更换为余下的日期。 英文资料:Shabütie (1995–2001) In March 1995, after the split of Claudio Sanchez and Travis Stever's band called Toxic Parents, they formed a band with Nate Kelley called Beautiful Loser. The band featured Stever on vocals and guitar, Sanchez on guitar, Kelley on drums and Jon Carleo on bass. The group was short-lived, breaking up by June 1995 after an argument over gas money. Stever left the band, and the resulting trio was named Shabütie, a word taken from African tribe chants that means "naked prey" in the film The Naked Prey. The band spent nearly a year experimenting with a multitude of different musical styles, including punk rock, indie rock, acoustic rock, funk, and heavy metal. When Carleo left the band in August 1996, Kelley recruited Michael Todd to take his place. Todd, who was primarily a guitarist, picked up the bass specifically for Shabütie. As Shabütie, the band wrote dozens of songs and released their first studio demo Plan to Take Over the World in 1999. The band also released The Penelope EP in 1999, shortly after which Stever rejoined the band. Kelley left the band during a performance in late 1999, and Josh Eppard, then of the band 3, replaced him. The band went on to release Delirium Trigger in 2000, still featuring Kelley on the drums, but listing Eppard in the liner notes. Starting out (2001–2006) "The Keywork", a commonly used logo for the band, symbolizes the energy stream between the planets in Coheed and Cambria's fictional universe. Several songs that appeared on Delirium Trigger were based on a series of science fiction comics written by Claudio Sanchez called The Bag.On.Line Adventures, which was later renamed The Amory Wars. Sanchez's side project originally developed during a 1998 trip to Paris, where the band members decided to rename themselves Coheed and Cambria, named after two of the story's protagonists, and adopted the concept story as a theme that would unify their future albums. This side project also created Coheed's official logo, the Keywork, a symbol for the planetary alignment of the Amory Wars universe. In February 2002 the band released its first studio album The Second Stage Turbine Blade after signing with Equal Vision Records. Influenced by the post-hardcore group At The Drive In, the band's first release also featured a guest appearance from Dr. Know of the hardcore-punk band, Bad Brains, as well as the revised "Delirium Trigger", "33", and "Junesong Provision" from the Delirium Trigger EP. The band also released its first single and music video, "Devil in Jersey City". The band eventually played several tour dates in the United States and Japan, as well as a brief stint on the 2002 Vans Warped Tour. In August 2002, Coheed and Cambria started working with manager Blaze James, who would help propel the band to larger stages and a wider fan base. Following extensive touring with groups Breaking Pangaea, Linkin Park, The Used, and Slipknot, in October 2003 the band released its second studio album In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth:3, also on Equal Vision Records. Featuring the singles "A Favor House Atlantic" and "Blood Red Summer" and corresponding videos which received airtime on MTV, the band supplemented the release by touring with various artists such as Thursday, Thrice, AFI, and Rainer Maria. Coheed and Cambria also made its second appearance on the Warped Tour and performed additional European shows. The album peaked at #52 on the Billboard charts and was certified Gold by the RIAA. The band also supported the release by filming an August 2004 concert at New Jersey's Starland Ballroom. The performance was converted into the band's first live DVD, Live at the Starland Ballroom, which was released in March 2005. The success of In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3 attracted the attention of the record label Columbia Records, with whom they signed a multi-album contract. The band stopped touring to record their third studio album and first major-label release Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness in early 2005 for a September 2005 release. Their most commercially successful album to date, Good Apollo Volume One has sold almost 1 million copies and peaked at #7 on the Billboard charts. The album represented a departure from their previous melodic post-hardcore influenced rock toward a progressive rock sound. The single "Welcome Home" was described by John A. Hanson as "a heavily Led Zeppelin-influenced metal tune". The band supported the album with American and European tours accompanied by The Blood Brothers, Circa Survive, Dredg, Head Automatica, and Avenged Sevenfold, tours culminating in the release of the exclusive iTunes EP Kerrang!/XFM UK Acoustic Sessions and their second live DVD The Last Supper: Live at Hammerstein Ballroom. Departures and No World for Tomorrow (2006–2009) Claudio Sanchez during the Kerrang! Tour 2008 Claudio Sanchez released an album from his side-project The Prize Fighter Inferno in October 2006 titled My Brother's Blood Machine. Like Coheed and Cambria's albums, it was a concept album, related to Coheed and Cambria via a character that appears in both stories: Jesse, "The Prize Fighter Inferno". The album was intended to be a prequel to the Coheed and Cambria albums. Claudio says "when we were called Shabütie, the initial idea for Coheed and Cambria was to be an acoustic/electronic side project. So I guess The Prize Fighter Inferno is kind of the original idea for Coheed and Cambria." In early November 2006, Josh Eppard and Michael Todd left the band for personal reasons, forcing Matt Williams and the band's drum technician, Michael Petrak, to fill out temporarily the band's rhythm section for a handful of shows. In April 2007, bassist Michael Todd rejoined Coheed and Cambria, and the band entered the Los Angeles-based studio with new producer Nick Raskulinecz. The following June Chris Pennie, formerly of the Dillinger Escape Plan, joined Coheed and Cambria as its drummer, but due to contractual restrictions with his previous record label, Pennie did not appear on the band's fourth release. Instead, Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins recorded the drums, making use of several ideas Pennie had previously written in correspondence with Sanchez. The band's fourth studio album, and second release with Columbia Records, Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume Two: No World for Tomorrow, was released in October 2007, debuting at number 6 on the Billboard charts. The album's first single, "The Running Free", was released to radio in August 2007. The second single was "Feathers" with a video starring Rena Riffel. The band has continued touring, headlining portions of the 2007 Warped Tour, a tour supported by Clutch and The Fall of Troy, and opened for Linkin Park's 25-city U.S. tour, which forced the cancellation of Coheed and Cambria's performances on Australia's Soundwave Festival. In addition to the return of Todd on bass and new drummer Pennie, the band also recruited a touring keyboardist and backup vocalists for its live performances. In November 2007, their song "Welcome Home" was included as a playable track in the video game Rock Band, and a cover of their song "Ten Speed (of God's Blood & Burial)" was later made available as a download for Rock Band. In 2009 two more songs were made available for download, "The Running Free" and "A Favor House Atlantic", for the video game Rock Band, later joined in 2010 by the songs "Guns of Summer", "Here We Are Juggernaut" and "The Broken". The band prepared a four-month world tour beginning in January 2008. They later headlined at The Bamboozle 2008 music festival. The band headlined the 2008 Kerrang! Tour in the U.K., where the band performed and recorded a cover of "The Trooper" by Iron Maiden, which is featured on Kerrang!'s Iron Maiden tribute album, Maiden Heaven, that came with the July 16 issue. They were nominated for Best International Band and Best Music Video (for Feathers) in the 2008 Kerrang! Awards. In October and November 2008, the band played at Neverender, a four-night concert series in which the band played one album per night. The event was held in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and in London in early December. Neverender: Children of The Fence Edition, a CD/DVD box set of their Neverender performance, was released on March 24, 2009. In 2009 the song "Welcome Home" was also used in the trailer for the animated movie 9. Year of the Black Rainbow (2009-onward) Coheed and Cambria toured through most of early 2009. Between January and March, they toured with Slipknot and Trivium on the Slipknot-headlined All Hope Is Gone tour. In August 2009, Coheed and Cambria toured in support of Heaven & Hell on their tour in support of The Devil You Know. On September 16, 2009, they performed at the Puyallup Fair alongside Brand New and Jaguar Love. In October they performed at the Austin City Limits Music Festival in Austin, Texas. They also performed at the Wacken Open Air festival, at the UK leg of the Sonisphere Festival tour, and at the Lollapalooza festival in Chicago.[ Coheed and Cambria has recently finished their fifth studio album Year of the Black Rainbow. It is a prequel to their conceptual story, having events that take place before The Second Stage Turbine Blade. A novel was released to accompany the album co-written by Sanchez and Peter David. This novel is currently only available with the special edition of the album, or can be bought on its own directly from the band's merchandise tables on their 2010 tour. The second track from the new album, "The Broken", was released on iTunes on February 9, 2010. "Here We Are Juggernaut" became available for streaming on MySpace on March 4, 2010 and became available to purchase through iTunes on March 9, 2010. On April 7, the entire album became available for streaming on Myspace. The album was released on April 13 in both a standard, iTunes special, and deluxe edition (with the deluxe edition including the "Year of the Black Rainbow" novel and a special Year of the Black Rainbow "Black Card" that provides the holder early access to some Coheed shows.) "The Broken", "Guns of Summer" and "Here We Are Juggernaut" were released on the Rock Band music store on April 20, 2010.[ Sanchez recently stated that with the Coheed and Cambria saga completely chronicled on the group's first five albums, he has been contemplating the direction of future releases. "I've thought of telling stories of the future and stories of the past, maybe getting involved more in the story of Cyrus Amory (sic - Sirius Amory in the stories), the fellow who figured out the value of the Keywork," he said. "Or even stories that kind of parallel the one that we’re telling. It’s kind of up in the air. I’ve started writing music for that next record, and I'm kind of hoping that maybe in doing that it's going to tell me which one to do. On July 10, 2011, bassist Michael Todd was arrested and taken into police custody in Attleboro, Massachusetts on charges of armed robbery Wes Styles will act as a temporary replacement for the remaining dates. Musical style音乐风格:桑切斯已经多次表示,他是羡慕他的父亲对音乐的时代,乐队是那个时代的群体,如Led Zeppelin乐队,平克弗洛伊德,警察,不称职,皇后,和稀薄的Lizzy,影响。除了这些经典摇滚根源,桑切斯还承认一个不拘一格的影响,包括阵列,后硬集团在驱动器中,重金属先驱铁娘子。传闻相反,贝斯手迈克尔托德说,乐队由佐贺的影响,他从来没有听说过该组。拉什和Coheed和坎布里亚,但乔希Eppard之间的许多画相似之处在接受记者采访时表示,无论是他还是其他的乐队成员是拉什的球迷,或仓促的影响。他们开始听他们的第二张专辑后,拉什。朋克摇滚的影响,以及被引用,尤其是不称职和坏的大脑。医生知道坏脑在赛道上的“时间消费”从第二阶段涡轮叶片的吉他独奏。桑切斯和Stever的早期中毒的父母带吸引了来自Jane的成瘾和不称职,有许多相似之处。桑切斯说,艾默里战争,Coheed和坎布里亚基地歌词,其他的故事,特别是星球大战三部曲相似的故事。例如,Coheed字符时返回家里给他的妻子坎布里亚的,她说,“不知怎的,我一直都知道,”一条线,莱娅公主说,卢克天行者在星打仗情节VI:绝地归来。 Sanchez has several times stated he is envious of his father's era of music, and that the band is influenced by groups of that era, such as Led Zeppelin,Pink Floyd, The Police, Misfits, Queen, and Thin Lizzy. Apart from these roots in classic rock, Sanchez also acknowledges an eclectic array of influences, including post-hardcore group At the Drive-In, and heavy metal pioneers Iron Maiden. Contrary to rumors, bassist Michael Todd said the band was not influenced by Saga and that he had never heard of that group. Many draw similarities between Rush and Coheed and Cambria, but Josh Eppard stated in an interview that neither he nor the other band members were Rush fans or influenced by Rush. They began listening to Rush after their second album. Influences of punk rock have been cited as well, especially the Misfits and Bad Brains. Dr. Know of Bad Brains plays a guitar solo on the track "Time Consumer" from Second Stage Turbine Blade. Sanchez and Stever's early band Toxic Parents drew many similarities from Jane's Addiction and Misfits. Sanchez has stated that The Amory Wars, the story on which Coheed and Cambria base its lyrics, has similarities to other stories, especially to the Star Wars trilogy. For example, when the character Coheed returns home to his wife Cambria, she says, "Somehow I’ve always known," a line that Princess Leia said to Luke Skywalker in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. Genre 乐队的风格被形容为前卫摇滚平等的视觉,旋转,音乐指南。歌曲,如“血红色的夏天”和“三害(体现在爱与阴影)”已在乐队的许多评论指出,还包含几个要素的弹出,Sputnikmusic,说:“Coheed和审查一个例证坎布里亚管理带来新的生命,一个垂死的流派,以及混合了创造性和原创的即兴标准的流行朋克的计划。“乐队也被形容为新的编。 The band's style is described as progressive rock by Equal Vision, Spin, and Allmusic. Songs such as "Blood Red Summer" and "Three Evils (Embodied in Love and Shadow)" have been noted in many reviews of the band to also contain several elements of pop, as exemplified by one review by Sputnikmusic, which says "Coheed and Cambria manage to bring new life to a dying genre, and mix up the standard pop-punk scheme with creative and original riffs." The band has also been described as new prog. numbers成员:当前队员 1、克劳迪奥桑切斯 - 主唱,吉他,键盘,合成器,theremin,编程(1995年至今) 2、特拉维斯Stever - 吉他,圈钢吉他,依托vocals,合成器(1995年,1999年至今) 3、托德迈克尔 - 低音吉他,伴唱(1996-2006年,2007年至今) 4、克里斯Pennie - 鼓(2007年至今) 从前队员 1、乔希Eppard - 鼓,打击乐,伴唱,键盘(2000-2006年) 2、内特 - 凯利 - 鼓,打击乐(1995-2000年) 3、乔恩Carleo - 低音吉他(1995-1996年)CurrentClaudio Sanchez – lead vocals, guitar, keyboards, synthesizer, theremin, programming (1995–present)Travis Stever – guitar, lap steel guitar, backing vocals, synthesizer (1995, 1999–present)Michael Todd – bass guitar, backing vocals (1996–2006, 2007–present)Chris Pennie – drums (2007–present) FormerJosh Eppard – drums, percussion, backing vocals, keyboards (2000–2006)Nate Kelley – drums, percussion (1995–2000)Jon Carleo – bass guitar (1995–1996) Discrogaphy专辑:Main article: Coheed and Cambria discographyThe Second Stage Turbine Blade (2002)In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3 (2003)Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness (2005)Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume Two: No World for Tomorrow (2007)Year of the Black Rainbow (2010) Awards获奖: External links:

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