Matt Nathanson

歌手Matt Nathanson的图片





基本内容:07年的这张全新的专辑依然沿袭了他以前的风格,苦乐参半,有些淡淡的忧伤却显得平和,旋律简单而流畅。专辑中诗一般的歌词都是由Nathanson亲自完成的,毫无矫揉造作之意,写实而且深刻。对情感的剖析很犀利,一针见血。 “Matt用他那独特的嗓音使的整张专辑以及带著诚挚感情的歌曲彷佛都活了过来!” “Matt的歌曲是如此的柔顺、令人喜爱、一听便上瘾,相信我,这张专辑绝对会立刻成为你暑假最爱的一张专辑! —— 借用某音乐杂志的话——“如果你厌倦了那些过于商业化的歌手和专辑,厌倦了虚伪和包装,而追求一种坦诚而直接的音乐,Matt Nathanson的声音应该是你所想要的!” Matt Nathanson (born 28 March 1973 in Lexington, Massachusetts) is a singer-songwriter whose work is a blend of folk and rock music. In addition to singing, he plays acoustic guitar (usually a twelve-string), and has played both solo and with a full band. In many ways, SomeMad Hope is Nathanson’s most fully realized work to date. He balances his intensely personal worldview with engaging character studies. “I think of [Some Mad Hope] as an album in the classic sense and not just a collection of songs,” he says. “There’s definitely a theme there, a tracing of the ups and downs of a relationship. It gets dark in places, but it ends on a note that’s hopeful -- it’s not cut-and-dried, but it points to the future in a way that I see as positive. 专辑名称: Some Mad Hope 专辑歌手: Matt Nathanson 发行日期: August 14,2007 专辑语种: English 专辑类型: Pop/Rock 唱片公司: Vanguard Records 01. Car Crash 02. Come on Get Higher 03. Heartbreak World 04. Gone 05. Wedding Dress 06. Bulletproof Weeks 07. To the Beat of Our Noisy Hearts 08. Still 09. Detroit Waves 10. Falling Apart 11. Sooner Surrender 12. All We Are

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