Edie Brickell

歌手Edie Brickell的图片





摘要: Edie Brickell,曾经是一支民谣摇滚乐队Edie Brickell & the New Bohemians的主唱,她有一个对于民谣音乐有着极大影响的丈夫,没错,Edie Brickell就是Paul Simon的妻子,但其实Edie Brickell也是一位非常出色的歌手。 Edie Brickell:出生于德克萨斯州的Edie Brickell,从小就受到良好的教育,像她的丈夫Paul Simon一样,Edie Brickell对于音乐极具天赋 1988年Edie Brickell的一首《What I Am》成为美国最热门歌曲,1992年,她幸福地投入了Paul Simon(前Simon & Garfunkel的成员)的怀抱。 1988年,当Edie Brickell & the New Bohemians乐团中的主唱Edie Brickell/伊迪布凯尔用她那抚慰人心的悠然歌声唱出:「I’m not aware of too many things / I know what I know if you know what I mean / Philosophy is the talk on a cereal box / Religion is the smile on a dog…」"What I Am"时,有人将她的歌声比做都会女子在恋爱时爱恨嗔痴的低喃私语;当首发专辑『Shooting Rubberbands at the Stars』问世後,辑中清新恬淡中愈发隽永的耐听程度让专辑一举占上Billboard专辑榜Top4,AMG音乐网站和滚石杂志分别给予4星半、3星评鉴。"What I Am"一曲荣获全美单曲榜Top10,更绝的是本歌在’99年时艾迪墨菲配音制作美国福斯网最受争议之热门影集「艾迪墨菲PJ秀」原声带配乐中,饶舌新秀Sy Smith曾将"What I Am"嘻哈大变身;宝贝辣妹-艾玛个人单飞之作也曾将"What I Am"一曲重新诠释,足见英美大牌对这首歌曲的锺情程度! 身为一个民谣摇滚热门乐团,Edie Brickell & the New Bohemians乐团’90年发表的创作『Ghost of a Dog』在排行成绩上虽不甚耀眼,但滚石杂志和AMG音乐网站乐评却双双举四星肯定!’94年『Picture Perfect Morning』中,一曲"Good Times"家喻户晓;之後,这个民谣乐团渐渐淡出,Edie Brickell也因嫁给「赛门与葛芬柯」之保罗赛门,整个90年代就沉浸在家庭世界的美好,音乐生涯暂时停摆;休息近10个年头,Edie Brickell先於2000年和葛莱美奖得主Shawn Colvin/夏恩柯文合作"Roger Wilco"暖身,2003年祭出由与民谣巨擘Bob Dylan熟稔多年的Charlie Sexton操刀制作的【Volcano/火山】,首发同名单曲即是支听了让人耳目一新之作,简单的编制、好久不见却依旧温煦的Edie嗓音,一种彷佛与十年不见好友重逢的喜悦,都在这里。 Lyric: You don't even have to try it comes easy for you the way you move is so appealing it could make me cry go out drivin' with my friends in Bobby's big old beat up car I'm with a lot of people, then I wonder were you are Good times, bad times gimme some of that Good times, bad times gimme some of that Good times, bad times gimme some of that Ooh woo ooh I don't wanna say goodbye don't wanna walk ya to the door I spent a little time with you, I want a little more Good times, bad times gimme some of that Good times, bad times gimme some of that Good times, bad times gimme some of that ooh woo ooh (male spoken part) And baby really, I don't have to... I don't have to go anywhere right now. You want some more, you want some more a' this Anywhere, wherever you want baby, just, say it aaaaaaaah, just say it Good times, bad times gimme some of that Good times, bad times gimme some of that Good times, bad times gimme some of that Ooh woo ooh Now want those good, good ,good times and not those bad, bad, bad times I want those good, good, good ,good times gimme some that..........

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